
Jef raskin book
Jef raskin book

jef raskin book

Not long after his acquittal, Raskin published the book Washington Plans an Aggressive War with Barnet and Ralph Stavins. In the case, Telford Taylor, prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, served as the defense attorney for Raskin. The group became known as the " Boston Five". Benjamin Spock, Michael Ferber, and Mitchell Goodman-for conspiracy to aid resistance to the draft. In 1968, Raskin was indicted - along with William Sloane Coffin, Dr. The "Call to Resist" was signed by thousands of people, and because of it Raskin and Waskow took part in turning in a thousand draft cards to the Department of Justice. In 1967, he co-authored with Arthur Waskow, a colleague at the Institute, "A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority," which urged support for those who resisted the draft and the Vietnam War. He co-authored the Vietnam Reader with Bernard Fall in 1965, which was used in teach-ins across the country. Much of Raskin’s initial work with IPS focused on opposing the Vietnam War. In 1963, Raskin left government service, and with Richard Barnet, a State Department official in the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, created an independent institution, outside of government, to critique official policy. On the panel, Raskin wrote papers on the consequences of technology and the need for democratic education and scientific research. Tensions with Bundy led to Raskin’s reassignment in the Bureau of the Budget (now the Office of Management and Budget), where he continued his service on the Presidential Panel on Education. delegation to an 18-nation disarmament conference in Geneva. In 1961, Raskin became McGeorge Bundy's assistant on national security affairs and disarmament as a member of the Special Staff of the National Security Council. Stuart Hughes, and former finance advisor to Franklin D. As the secretary, Raskin linked the House members with notable intellectuals, including sociologist David Riesman, historian H.

jef raskin book

Raskin soon became the secretary for the Liberal Project, a group of House liberals, organized by Kastenmeier and Roosevelt into a liberal leadership group. in 1958, where he became a legislative counsel to a group of liberal congressmen, including Democrats Robert Kastenmeier from Wisconsin and James Roosevelt from California, the oldest son of Franklin D. He graduated from the University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts in 1954 and from the University of Chicago Law School with a Juris Doctor in 1957. There Raskin studied under Rexford Guy Tugwell, an economist and member of FDR’s Brain Trust, and Quincy Wright, a legal scholar for whom Raskin served as an assistant during his law school years. He abandoned a career in piano to study at the University of Chicago. At the age of 16, Raskin left home to study piano performance at the Juilliard School under Rosina Lhévinne and Lee Thompson. His parents, Ben Raskin and Anna Goodman Raskin, owned a plumbing store in Milwaukee, where his father worked as a master plumbing contractor. Raskin was born in Milwaukee, the second son of Russian Jewish immigrants. He was also a professor of public policy at The George Washington University’s School of Public Policy and Public Administration. He was the co-founder, with Richard Barnet, of the progressive think tank the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC.

jef raskin book

Marcus Goodman Raskin (Ap– December 24, 2017) was an American progressive social critic, political activist, author, and philosopher.

jef raskin book

Social critic, political activist, author, philosopher

Jef raskin book